Geospatial technology has become essential for sustainable management of natural resources and the environment, facilitating expedient and accurate decision-making. This technology supports the measurement, analysis, and visualization of features and natural events on Earth. By observing remote and inaccessible areas, it enables the creation of precise and timely spatial datasets, ensuring that natural resources used in technology are managed effectively and responsibly.

Commonly used technologies with Natural Resources:
  • Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Remote Sensing (RS)
Businesses in this sector utilize geospatial technology as a vital management tool to preserve natural resources. This technology has been used to develop remote sensing and GIS tools that are now widely used to gather data essential for the effective management of natural resources. These tools allow businesses to improve policies related to environmental sustainability and growth.

Geospatial technology enables information to be captured, stored, analyzed, and presented in an easy-to-understand and cost-effective way. GIS is the science of taking data, converting it into geographical information, storing it, and visualizing it to make informed decisions.

Some of the applications of GIS in natural resource management include:
  • Hazard and Risk Assessment
  • Change Detection
  • Analysis and Modelling

Better Understanding and Detecting Environmental Changes

As sponsors of The Earth Archive, a nonprofit organization with the broad vision of creating a digital planet for future generations, they have access to our Voxelmaps’ Insight Platform (VIP) for the hosting and storing of all The EA data, so we can provide tools to the geospatial community to help resolve environmental challenges.

Our technology has been utilized to help this incredible initiative to research, understand, plan and implement changes in the fight against the climate crisis.

An example of this is when we teamed up with ‘GEO1: Airborne Lidar and Imaging’ to acquire aerial-based high-resolution LiDAR and imagery over Muir Woods National Monument in California. This resulting data is being used to help researchers update estimates of the forest’s biomass and carbon stores. We could even count and measure the individual trees across the Monument through the Voxelmaps Insight Platform's (VIP) Deep Learning algorithms.

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