Our new and exciting project that is taking place at the moment; The 100 Cities DaaS Model. In a nutshell, we’re collecting data from100 of the top metro areas across the US. The data, that will always be kept up to date, will be ready and available off the shelf. This means that the content delivery becomes very flexible as there’s no lag time to wait for the data to be collected.

Content Available:

  • Full 3D Voxelmap
  • LiDAR Point Cloud
  • High Resolution (4K) Imagery

Content Delivery:

  • Data as a Service (DaaS)
  • Amazon S3/FTP
  • Physical Hard Drives

Sample collection content table

City / Metro
Avail Date
Data Desc
# of Linear Miles
# of Linear Miles by Functional  Class
Data Types
Extracted Data Features
Export Formats
San Francisco, CA
Q3 2021
Full 3D  data set collected with high accuracy LiDAR & Camera Mobile Mapping  Systems
7,500  miles
F0= X
F1 = X
F2 = X
F3 = X
F4 = X
F5 = X
F6 = X
Full 3D  Voxelmap, LiDAR Point Cloud, 4K Imagery @ X FPS
70+ City  Features for more details click here
XML,  Shape, GeoJSON, NDS, etc
Web  Subscription, Desktop and or VR

The three key stages


The raw Voxel occupancy data is generated from LiDAR


The data merges with our high-resolution camera data to provide RGB values to the Voxels


The 3D Voxel SemanticSegmentation platform then automatically recognizes, measures and extracts the features as it goes along

100 Cities Data Example - San Francisco

San Francisco HD Mapping
This is an image of when we mapped San Francisco. It was mapped in incredibly high resolution and carried out through Mobile Mapping.We’ve zoomed out slightly in 3D so that you can see more of the mapped area and the remarkable detail of our imagery.  This isn’t just a 3D model, everything is being automatically categorized by the AI and the features are then extracted. This is a factor of why our technology is superior.

If we zoom right in you can see a voxelmap of vegetation encroachment and the high-res imagery captured of the same asset.

What areas are we collecting data from?

US Data Collection Points

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